two devils TWO DEVILS IN A DRIVE THRU WITHOUT A CAR. one orders a milkshake, the other orders a diet soda. "why always diet? you're already dead." the first devil says. devil two waits for their change from the server, switching the radio on and off until neither devil knows if the static in their ears is real. "well, you never know who is watching, so i never stop performing." the first devil sinks their teeth into the styrofoam cup, synthetic strawberry dripping down their ribcage. it licks its fangs and says "you are your own voyeur. we are in control. we killed our gods, remember?", then turns the key and exits the drive thru. there is still no car, but in the trunk lies devil three. sticky with strawberry, they all make their way to the crossroads, and pretend to eat their grief. devil one wants to kill devil three for watching. devil three doesn't exist. two devils keep small birds where their hearts should be to pretend they can still feel love and grief. - salem s.